Letter, Isaac Murphy

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Isaac Murphey letter collection
Letter, Isaac Murphy
Isaac Murphey letter collection
Isaac Murphey letter collection

Letter, Isaac Murphy

Object number2007.107.09
Dateca 1865
Mediumpaper and ink
Dimensions8 x 10 in. (20.3 x 25.4 cm)
Credit LineOld State House Museum Collection
DescriptionLetter to Isaac Murphy from Andrew J. Jack. Handwritten in black ink on paper. Some teraing around the edges and where letter was folded.

General Hospital
Benton Barracks St. Louis
January 24th 1865

To His Excellency Isaac Murphy
Governor of Arkansas

Dear Sir,
Feeling thankful to you for past kindness. I hope you will pardon me for asking you for still another favor,

I am at present in the above named hospital unable for duty and have been for nearly six months and I doubt ever being able for duty anymore.

My family who live near Little Rock are sick in destitute circumstances having lost all our property.

What I wish of you Governor is to use your influence with the Medical Director of St. Louis (or whoever might be the proper person) in having me transferred to the Hospital at Little Rock, I could then be of some service to them.

Hoping you will pardon me for thus troubling you I remain very Respectfully

Your Obedient Servant,
Andrew J. Jack
Co, M 2nd, Mo, Art, Vol

To: Isaac Murphy, Governor of Arks.

Written on the blank corners of the back page:

Most respectfully referred to my Gen Pope, Dept. of the MO with request that if in his power the poor man be transferred to the hospital at this place.

Signed: Isaac Murphy, Gov. Ark

Someone wrote orders signed Feb 24, 1864: Jack, AJ. Sick soldier _______ to be sent to Little Rock.

Not on view