Letter, Alex Spence to Sallie Spence

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Spence Family Letter - from Alex Spence to Sallie
Letter, Alex Spence to Sallie Spence
Spence Family Letter - from Alex Spence to Sallie
Spence Family Letter - from Alex Spence to Sallie

Letter, Alex Spence to Sallie Spence

Object number1998.044.29
DateFebruary 4, 1862
Mediumpaper and ink
Dimensions12 3/8 x 7 3/4 in. (31.5 x 19.7 cm)
Credit LineOld State House Museum collection
    DescriptionLetter from Alex Spence to his sister, Sallie
    Location: Camp Price, VA
    From Alexander Spence to Sallie (his sister). He writes that his term in Virginia is being extended. He wants Tom to tell him about the Clark Co. cavalry so he can make up his mind as to whether he should stay with his present group.

    Born in 1838 in Alabama, Alexander Spence served in Co. B of the 1 Arkansas Infantry (Colquitt's). Company B was known as the Clark County Volunteers. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in Little Rock on May 8, 1861. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in April 1, 1862. Five days later he was wounded at Shiloh. He was promoted twice more, to 1st Lieutenant and then rising to the rank of Captain. Alex was killed at the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864. He is buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Arkadelphia next to his brother, Tom, who also served and was killed during the war.

    [In the following transcription, punctuation has been added but no spelling or gramatical changes have been made]

    Camp Price, VA
    Feby. 4th, 1862

    Dear Sallie
    Your kind letter of the 25th ult. was received yesterday and it is the first one I have got from you of a (?) date than 25th Dec. I am truly sorry to hear you are all sick. It does seem "your folks" have their share of sickness. I hope by this time you have all got well of the "chills". I have so far been very fortunate in having good health. A good many of our company are sick, none seriously though. All of our sick are allowed the privelege of going to town either to the hospital or private houses if they prefer. We are having some pretty bad weather now. Yesterday the snow fell to a depth of 6 or 8 inches. To day it is warm and pleasant and the ground melting off very fast but it is awful muddy. I assure you I have felt no such cold weather here yet as I expected from people said. Think I have suffered more with cold in Arks. than I have here. The "old Residenters" here think now we will not have much cold weather this winter, which I hope will be so.
    By this time I suppose the B'hoys of our Co. will have reached Arkadelphia. I expect they will have lively times for a while. I did write Mr. Elder. I had no notion of enlisting, did not have at that time. The Virginia Legislature are about passing a law keeping all of her 12 mo. vol. in the field for two years after their present term is up. Probably the other states will pass the same law. I wrote last week asking your advice. I suppose as Tommy is at home he can tell something about the Cavalry service and what he thinks about new companies being made up from Clark. I would prefer going in the Cavalry service on the frontier if there is a good company made up to. One in the service here is cramped most too much in his movements, (?) (?) what kind of a company Mr. Love is making up. The gentleman I wrote you about wanting me to remain with him was speaking to me yesterday. He is very anxious for me to stay with him - says I need not enlist though until the Regiment is reorganized and he gets his appointment. If I agree to stay, probably I may not be able to go home until next fall. I shall not enlist until I hear from you all again. There is no use talking about staying at home after my time is up.
    I learn there is a great deal of dissatisfaction in the Artillary Company. I (?) though much the Captain would do. Re-enlisting don't take with them so they write us. How does Rufus get along - you all never mention him.
    Tell Tommy I shall expect that long letter from him - I reckon Mr. Ewing will get there in time to see him.
    If you have not written before you get this, be sure and write and let know what you all think about my staying.
    I will write to Pa in a few days. Has Marcha forgotten me? Tell the Folks all to write me.
    My love to all
    Your brother
    Alex E. Spence

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