Appraisal, Slave - Pyburn estate

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Appraisal, Slave - Pyburn estate
slave appraisal
slave appraisal

Appraisal, Slave - Pyburn estate

Object number2005.066.01
Mediumpaper and ink
Dimensions11 15/16 x 7 7/16 in. (30.3 x 18.9 cm)
Credit LineOld State House Museum collection
DescriptionTwo rectangular sheets of blue paper, folded in half written upon two sides in black ink. The documents are inventories and appraisals of 10 slaves in the amount of $4,300.00. The slaves range in age from two months to fourty-eight years of age.


State of Arkansas
County of Prairie

Page 1

The Jefferson K. Lambert Theodore Clayton and John M. Trout. These African householders of the county of Prairie having called on by C S Devall as Arkansas' trader of the estate of Richard Pyburn deed to appraise the personal property of said estate do solemnly swear that we are not interested or of kin to any person interested in the estate of Richard Pyburn the heir or legatee and that we will according to the best of our knowledge appraise the slaves and other personal property of the deceased shown to us by the administrator.
So help us God
Jefferson, K., Lambert
Theodore F. Clayton
John K. Trout
Subsearched and sworn to (?)
we this 11th day of AD April 1855
And thereupon after being duly sworn we halve [sic] said property as follows
Macklin man 48 years $500.00
Martha woman 36 years 200.00
Boy Dan 19 years $800.00
" Aaron 17 years $800.00
" Macklin 10 years $500.00
Girl Mariah 14 years $600.00
" Emily 8 years $350.00
Boy Ambrose 5 years $250.00
Shadrick 3 years $200.00
Infant two months old William $100.00
amount forwarded $4300.00

Page 2

amount brought over $4300.00
One gray horse 8 years old $100.00
One mule $75.00
One yoke oxen $60.00
One waggon (sic) $60.00
two turning plows $400 each $800.00
five feather beds light & old $12.00 $60.00
one French bed sted 2.50

6 window chairs 350
1 light day clock brass 75
1 Beaurea $10.00
1 table 3.00
2 ? plow bearing 1.00 2.00
oak cordwood (?) in the woods
ninety cents for cord ? to be
two hundred cords $180.00

J. K. Lambert
Theodore F. Clayton
John K. Trout

Outside page

Appraisement of
est of
Richard Pyburn

Filed April 20th
AD 1855

Personally -


Page 3

An inventory of all (?)
the goods and chattels, books
papers, moneys credits and effects
of R Pyburn deceased as the same have come to the hands of
Chappel S Devall Administrator
of all and (?) the goods &
chattel of Richard Pyburn, ?, ?
Macklin a man aged about
58 years
Martha a woman aged about 45 years
Dan a boy aged about 18 "
Aaron " " " 16 "
Maria " girl " 14 "
Mack a boy " 11 "
Emily a girl " 8 "
Ambrose a boy 6 "
Shadrick " 4 "
William infant 2/12 months
One horse gray about 8 years old
One brown mare mule about 10 or 12 years old
Five mule steers. 30 head of cattle
as near as many be
200 hundred cords of wood in
the woods, one wagon, two turning plows
one table two (?) plow gearing
5 feather beds & beddings
One french bedstand, six (?)
chains one brass clock, one bureau
50 head of (?) hog one 3 year
old (?)

Page 4

State of Arkansas
County of Prairie
I Chappel S. Devall being
duly sworn do depose and say
that the (?) is full
inventory and description of all
moneys, books papers and
evidence of debt due or owing
to Richard Pyburn (?) and all
books and chattels belonging to the
same (?) as I have been able
to (?) (?) and that I
was not indebted or bound
to any (?) to the deceased
at the time of his death
except as stated in said inventory
so help me god
C S Devall admin
(?) and sworn to
before me this 20 day of
May AD 1855,
(?) H. (?) (?)

Outside page

Inventory of
the estate of
R. Pyburn
Not on view