Letter, Capt. Lewis - Civil War

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Civil War - Capt. Lewis letter
Letter, Capt. Lewis - Civil War
Civil War - Capt. Lewis letter
Civil War - Capt. Lewis letter

Letter, Capt. Lewis - Civil War

Object number1998.055.18
DateMarch 21, 1864
Mediumpaper and ink
DimensionsOverall: 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 in. (39.4 x 26.7 cm)
Credit LineOld State House Museum collection
    DescriptionThe letter is written on blue paper with blue lines. The paper is very large, but is folded to make sheets that are 10.5 x 8.25. Captain Lewis writes his sister about his upcoming engagement and promotions.

    March 21st, 1864

    My Dear Mattie,
    It has been a long time since I heard from you or any of you. I hope I am not forgotten. I know (?) I can never believe that my dear sisters can forget me. I know I can never for a moment forget them, though another occupies much of my thoughts and is very dear to me. Yes, Mattie there is one over here who has promised to be my wife. Of course she is very dear to me. I hope to be able to present her to you all so soon as "this cruel war is over". I know you will love and like her, not for my sake, only but for her own. This of course is confidential as this may never be consumated. I may never marry her. There is (?) between the cup & the lip you know - but my dear sisters may know everything regarding her. How do you like my sweetheart's name(?) - it is Laura - pretty is it not? She is not beautiful but accomplished, smart & sweet - not (?). I am marrying for love, not money. She is the daintiest (?) of all. Well enough of this. Let me know when you think of it and how you like it. What will Pa say - I shall write him about it and see what he says befoe I act in the matter, i.e., before I marry - is it not funny? But everybody is marrying (?) I must not be left (?). What is Jasper doing? I expect he will be off before me. Now(?) Mattie mind this is a family secret. Now I must tell you something about my fine horses. I paid $1000 and have been offered $2000 form him often. His name is Crusoe, a beautiful chestnut sorrel thoroughbread [sic]. Then I have a bay called Alexis - for him I paid also $1000 and he is valued at $1500. He looks very much like Red Wing. Then Ihave another bay, a fine horse I paid for him $250. Have been offered $1000 for him. I am well fixed up in the horse (?), am I not? Well, I also have a negro boy and live well, not a great deal of work to do and in (?) am getting on and am bettered fixed than ever I was.
    I have just returned from Little Rock where I was sent with a flag of truce. The Yankees treated me very kindly. I took up with me some ladies going (?) - Miss Sophy Crease(?), Miss Laura Crease (my sweetheart) & Miss Annie Reardon. You may know I had a delightful trip. We are getting ready for action service, expect to have a stirring time over here this spring. We have had the most delightful weather here ever since Christmas. All the peach trees in full bloom on the 10th of Feby. Hope the Yankees have not troubled you all lately.
    Genl. Holmes has been ordered to (?) and Genl Price left in command here. I am now on his staff - he is a clever old gentleman. I like him.
    Well you must all write to me, give me all the news about home & tell me what you all have been and are doing. What Jasper is doing & where he is - all about Mrs. (?) cousins (?), (?) & Lollie - all my friends and relatives, who is married, who is (?), who is to be married, etc.
    Remember me to all my friends, love to all my relations. What has become of (?) (?) and see that (?) I wrote (?) but never r'cvd answer. Mary I expect have forgotten me - I have forgotten no one. Tell Col. McGaffin I am coming back to have a dance at his house. My regards to him.
    I will send this to Uncle Ben Crawford by Col. Armistead a particular friend of mine who is going to Richmond. It may reach you in this way. Well now let me close. To Sallie say - well, what must I say to my dear little sister. Tell her that brother John is always thinking of her - that he loves her as tenderly as ever and hope that she does (?) and that she is improving herself in every way - that she is studying hard and will finish her (?) by the time I go to keeping house and that you both will come live with me. Tell (?) I would like to be with her - to bother her and enjoy her good housekeeping and the good nature of the fat old lady. She is too good & amiable for this tough world, has less selfishness than anyone I ever saw, never thinks of self (?). No one except those who know her as we do can appreciate her. My admiration for the way in which she clings to my dear father and supports & cares for him in his declining years is only second to my love for her. God (?) that there may be a rich reward in store for her.
    Tell Pa that his son John is pursuing his straight forward honest way, striving to do his duty to himself & all such that he will have (?) the fair (?) of his family by any act of his - that he will never have the blush brought to his cheek by any act of (?), that I shall strive so to act that he may be proud of me, that I may be a pleasure to him in his old ag.
    With my best love to all and prayers for your welfare & safety and God's blessing on you all, I am as ever your devoted brother
    J.W. Lewis

    Miss Mattie M. Lewis
    Warm Springs
    Bathe Co. VA
    Tell Jasper everything - may God bless & protect him.

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